
কলেজ কোড-০৩০৯
মুজগুন্নী আ/এ,বয়রা মহাসড়ক,খুলনা।
মোবাঃ 01712586881, 01717803684
Brief Introduction to National University Affiliated
Introduction: Khanjahan Ali College of Science & Technology, khulna established in 2003, situated at the heart of khulna city; smoke free and non-political organization. We offer National University (NU) affiliated 4 years honours courses and Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) affiliated 4 years diploma courses, 2 years HSC(BM) course as well as 3 & 6 months certificate courses. In our well decorated seven storied building almost 3,000 students are studing.
Special Advantages: By the help of our idial teacher’s instructions and the administrative power of our college our intellectual and creative students continue their study in many prominent universities such as DU, KU, BUET, KUET, CUET & RUET and overseas like China, Japan, UK & the USA. Students can find jobs in government and private organizations both in around the country and abroad.
For the purpose of prosperity: The objective and purpose of this institution is to create updated with modern technologies to skill manpower as per demand of domestic and international services. By the use of sophisticated technology not only in theoretical classes but also in practical classes different steps have been taken to nurture our creative intellectual students. These classes are taken by skilled researchers from renowned industries. After passing successfully students get government certificate (NU).
Our Characteristics :
i) Experienced teachers teach carefully subject base topics as course has been designed by National University.
ii) C.C. TV Cameras are being used to observe security and to monitor our classes.
iii) We ensure free Wi-Fi campus and projector base classes, study tours, Sports, cultural programmes for our students’ betterment.
iv) Khanjahan Ali College of Science & Technology, khulna arranges aware ness discussion meeting such as remove drugs and terrorism for students.
v) We strictly maintain contact with the guardians through mobile phone and invite them to college for teacher-guardian meeting.
vi) This characteristics help our students to score top at the examination that has been shown previous years.

বিএসসি ইঞ্জিঃ কোর্স সমূহঃ |
পরিশোধ যোগ্য |
৬,০০০/- | ৮,০০০/- | ৩,০০০X৬ | ২৬,০০০/- | ১,৮৮,০০০/- | |||
ভর্তির যোগ্যতাঃ এইচ.এস.সি / সমমান / ডিপ্লোমা-ইন-ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং পরীক্ষায় ন্যূনতম জিপিএ- ২.৫০ |